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Case study at Bogota

Case study at Bogota

Building an Intercultural Pedagogy for Higher Education in Conditions of Conflict and Protracted Crises: Languages, Identity, Culture!

Empowering Scholarship Pre-service Language Teachers as Multilingual Mediators: Explorations towards a Critical Intercultural Pedagogy

Beatriz Peña Dix, EdD.

Case study objectives

Brief outline of Colombia’s case study
To what extent do pre-service language teachers grasp critical intercultural pedagogies as transformative intercultural language education?”
Recipients of the Colombian government’s scholarship programme “It pays to be clever” (Ser Pilo Paga):
-Explored how drama and theatre games helped them approach critical pedagogy.
-Created their own intercultural resources to foster intercultural dialogue and reflection around their own or imaginary intercultural encounters.
Invited their former English language teachers to participate in a co-teaching experience called “The Mirror Project”.


-Intercultural approaches and drama strategies in English language teaching .
-Intercultural pedagogies, dialogue and mediation.
-Designing a Toolbox to prompt critical intercultural pedagogies in the English language classroom.

The Mirror Project

Students are taking these activities to their own communities and co-teaching them with their former English language teachers.Small group discussions.